Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a leguminous, annual plant originating in India and North Africa. It is a herbal product with various proposed health benefits found in the diets of various Middle Eastern countries and is now cultivated worldwide. The leaves and seeds of fenugreek are formulated to an extract or powder form for therapeutic application. The seeds are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients. Fenugreek is a natural supplement for diabetic patients since its phytochemicals can improve glycemic control as well as lipid profile safely without inducing side effects.

Health Benefits
1. May Improve Appetite
A research study (1993) entitled “Effects of a fenugreek seed extract on feeding behaviour in the rat: metabolic-endocrine correlates” published in Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior concluded “In conclusion, chronic administration of a fenugreek seed extract enhances food consumption and motivation to eat in rats and also induces hyperinsulinemia as well as hypocholesterolemia”.
2. May Improve Endurance
A clinical study (2010) entitled “The effects of a commercially available botanical supplement on strength, body composition, power output, and hormonal profiles in resistance-trained males” published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition concluded “It is concluded that 500 mg of this proprietary Fenugreek extraction had a significant impact on both upper- and lower-body strength and body composition in comparison to placebo in a double blind controlled trial. These changes were obtained with no clinical side effects”.
A research study (2006) entitled “Effects of fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum greaecum) extract on endurance capacity in mice” published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology concluded “These results suggest that improvement in swimming endurance by the administration of FG is caused by the increase in utilization of fatty acids as an energy source”.
3. May Improve Lipid Profile
A research study (2014) entitled “Fenugreek Seed Extract Inhibit Fat Accumulation and Ameliorates Dyslipidemia in High Fat Diet-Induced Obese Rats” published in BioMed Research International concluded “These findings demonstrated the preventive effect of AqE-TFG on fat accumulation and dyslipidemia, due to inhibition of impaired lipid digestion and absorption, in addition to improvement in glucose and lipid metabolism, enhancement of insulin sensitivity, increased antioxidant defense, and downregulation of lipogenic enzymes”.
A clinical study (2009) entitled “A fenugreek seed extract selectively reduces spontaneous fat consumption in healthy volunteers” published in the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology concluded “The repeated administration of a fenugreek seed extract specifically decreases dietary fat consumption in humans which, given the traditional use of the plant, constitutes a novel result”.
A clinical trial (2010) entitled “A fenugreek seed extract selectively reduces spontaneous fat intake in overweight subjects” published in European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology concluded “The repeated administration of a fenugreek seed extract slightly but significantly decreased dietary fat consumption in healthy overweight subjects in this short-term study”.
A recent research study (2016) entitled “Fenugreek Seed Extract Prevents Fat Deposition in Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)-Obese Rats” published in Drug Research concluded “These findings demonstrated the preventive effect of AqE-TFG on fat deposition and dyslipidemia possibly by improvement in glucose and lipid metabolism, enhancement of insulin sensitivity and down regulation of lipogenic enzymes”.
4. May Improve Glycemic Control
A research study (2015) entitled “Effects of Fenugreek Seed Extract and Swimming Endurance Training on Plasma Glucose and Cardiac Antioxidant Enzymes Activity in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats” published in Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives concluded “The results indicated that the combination of endurance swimming training and fenugreek seed extract can significantly reduce the plasma glucose levels and increase cardiac antioxidant enzymes activity in diabetic rats. Our findings suggest that this combination could be useful for the treatment of hyperglycemia and cardiac oxidative stress induced by diabetes mellitus”.
A recent research study (2015) entitled “Administration of fenugreek seed extract produces better effects in the glibenclamide-induced inhibition in hepatic lipid peroxidation: An in vitro study” published in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine concluded “FSE therapy in moderate concentration along with a hypoglycemic drug may prove to be advantageous in ameliorating diabetes mellitus and other diseases that are LPO mediated”.
5. May Protect Liver
A recent research study (2017) entitled “Glycosides Based Standardized Fenugreek Seed Extract Ameliorates Bleomycin-induced Liver Fibrosis in Rats Via Modulation of Endogenous Enzymes” published in the Journal of Pharmacy & Bioallied Sciences concluded “SFSE-G exerts its hepatoprotective potential via inhibition of oxido-nitrosative stress and modulation of FXR mRNA expression thus ameliorates BLM-induced liver fibrosis”.
6. May Improve Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
A clinical study entitled “Efficacy of a Novel Fenugreek Seed Extract (Trigonella foenum-graecum, FurocystTM) in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)” published in the International Journal of Medical Sciences concluded “Overall, this human study demonstrates the broad-spectrum safety and efficacy of this Furocyst in the treatment of PCOS”.
7. May Improve Male Sexual Health
A recent clinical study (2017) entitled “Efficacy of FurosapTM, a novel Trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract, in Enhancing Testosterone Level and Improving Sperm Profile in Male Volunteers” published in the International Journal of Medical Sciences concluded “Overall, the results demonstrate that FS, enriched in 20% protodioscin, is safe and effective in attenuating testosterone levels, healthy sperm profile, mental alertness, cardiovascular health and overall performance in human subjects”.
8. May Fight Cancer
A research study (2001) entitled “Trigonella foenum graecum (fenugreek) seed extract as an antineoplastic agent” published in Phytotherapy Research summarized:
The antineoplastic effect of Trigonella foenum graecum seed extract has been evaluated in the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) model in Balb-C mice.
Intra-peritoneal administration of the alcohol extract of the seed both before and after inoculation of EAC cell in mice produced more than 70% inhibition of tumour cell growth with respect to the control.
Treatment with the extract was found to enhance both the peritoneal exudate cell and macrophage cell counts.
The extract also produced a significant antiinflammatory effect. We report here the antiinflammatory and antineoplastic effects, of Trigonella foenum graecum seed extract.
Fine’s Appetite Booster
Fenugreek Seed Extract is one of the active ingredients Fine’s Appetite Booster. This natural supplement is a safe and an effective balanced formula of herbs, vitamins and minerals designed to boost a healthy appetite for kids and achieve an ideal body weight. This product may also:
Boost energetic & mental levels
Normalize bowel movement
Protect & Support vital organs
Normalize blood sugar levels
Improve digestion
Support growth of healthy bones
Boost immune system & protect against infections
Prevent various kinds of anemia
Promote healthy hair and skin
Promote & Support healthy vision